2-Yr Review: Progression Board Creation

A ceremony to reflect on where you’ve been this year, where you are, and where you want to be in the year to come.

During this event we will gather to review all our wins, our accomplishments, and the things we’ve learned in the year past, appreciate our current experience, and create purposeful intentions for what we wish to experience in the year to come.

Event Overview

  • This 3hr event is an opportunity to reflect on the past year appreciate now and consciously design the next year through breathing, stretching, meditating, journaling and creating a Progression Board (2-year Vision Board).
  • A review can take place any time, at the beginning of a year, a birthday, or when you need to refocus.

Event Price$64*

*Price is per attendee and includes applicable taxes.

*Group rates available.

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Thank you, I really enjoyed this thorough review process, and found it quite empowering and inspiring.
Father, Engineer, Nature-Enthusiast

Appreciation and Manifestation!

If you would like to offer this event privately to your staff or family, connect with Elizabeth Now directly to chat options.